########################### # xbindkeys configuration # ########################### # # Version: 0.1.3 # # If you edit this, do not forget to uncomment any lines that you change. # The pound(#) symbol may be used anywhere for comments. # # A list of keys is in /usr/include/X11/keysym.h and in # /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h # The XK_ is not needed. # # List of modifier (on my keyboard): # Control, Shift, Mod1 (Alt), Mod2 (NumLock), # Mod3 (CapsLock), Mod4, Mod5 (Scroll). # # Another way to specifie a key is to use 'xev' and set the # keycode with c:nnn or the modifier with m:nnn where nnn is # the keycode or the state returned by xev # # This file is created by xbindkey_config # The structure is : # # Remark # "command" # m:xxx + c:xxx # Shift+... #keystate_numlock = enable #keystate_scrolllock = enable #keystate_capslock = enable #Alt-Echap "xbindkeys_config" m:0x18 + c:9 Alt+Mod2 + Escape #Vol+ "amixer -c 0 sset Master 1+" m:0x10 + c:176 Mod2 + NoSymbol #Vol- "amixer -c 0 sset Master 1-" m:0x10 + c:174 Mod2 + NoSymbol #VolMute "amixer -c 0 sset PCM toggle" m:0x10 + c:160 Mod2 + NoSymbol #Toggle "mpc toggle" m:0x10 + c:162 Mod2 + NoSymbol #Stop "mpc stop" m:0x10 + c:164 Mod2 + NoSymbol #Previous "mpc prev" m:0x10 + c:144 Mod2 + NoSymbol #Next "mpc next" m:0x10 + c:153 Mod2 + NoSymbol #ncmpcpp "urxvt -e ncmpcpp" m:0x10 + c:129 Mod2 + NoSymbol #Sleep "sudo pm-suspend" m:0x10 + c:223 Mod2 + NoSymbol #Screen "scrot" m:0x10 + c:111 Mod2 + Print #Calculext "python /home/attentah/bin/Calculext/calculext.py" m:0x1c + c:53 Control+Alt+Mod2 + x # # End of xbindkeys configuration